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Category Archives: Third Party Products & Services
Drive & Disk Imaging, Cloning & Copying
If you need to copy or back-up your entire hard drive, SSD for upgrade or peace of mind. Try Macrium Reflect – there’s a free version.

Ideal Industries RJ45 FT-45 Feed-Thru Crimp Tool (8518X)

Available from ScrewFix, attach your own CAT/Network cable plugs.
Revitalizing old PCs
When your old PC will not run Windows 10 or Windows 7 comfortably, perhaps because it was originally XP, then there is a good chance that it will be able to do useful work with a fresh installation of one of the ‘flavours’ of the Linux operating system .
HDDScan Hard drive diagnostic Utility
Check your hard drive with this Portable (no installation necessary) Software Utility.
Attribute Changer Utility
Software allowing editing of file and folder properties.
PDF Anti-Copy Utility
Lock down your PDF documents to prevent editing and copying.
GPU-Z Graphics Card Utility
Installable or Portable Software to view your GPU specification and performance.
Prime95 Software for CPU stress testing
Performing a stress test is simple:
- Download the software and unzip the files to your desired location.
- Run the Prime95 executable and select “Just Stress Testing” when asked.
- The default options are sufficient to do a well balanced stress test on the system.